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Thank you for taking the time to visit. This site is a collection of musings that center on the life of a Gen X-er learning to be a better dad. We’ll consider it a type of group therapy for dudes born between the mid 1960s to early 1980s and who have children. If you are a Gen X dad yourself, I see you. If you are part of another generation, not a dad, a Gen X-er who is not a dad, or something that I can’t even imagine but I’m sure is great, you are certainly welcomed here, too.

Also, I am using an alias here so that I can write about things that might detract from my professional life, scandalize certain family members, or otherwise draw the ire of people of more rigid and delicate sensibilities. I will try not to offend (at least not often); however, if I do, please know that I harbor no ill will toward you personally, and I’d love to hear from you.

Have a good day!

Otto Scungy